- Papilles et Pupilles - https://www.papillesetpupilles.fr -

Working together


Travailler ensemble ©Foxy burrow shutterstock

Working together ©Foxy burrow shutterstock


Ma name is Anne and I am the founder and chief editor of Papilles et Pupilles, a blog specialised in the fields of cooking and traveling. I started it in 2005 from Bordeaux. Since then, it has gained popularity and quickly become a leader among French food blogs. Filled with easy, delicious, inspiring, and entertaining recipes, it aims at answering the everyday question: what’s for dinner? My recipes use seasonal products, and I always pay close attention to the products I consume.

My blog also includes a traveling section (inspirational and informative), a wines and wine-tourism section (made less complicated), as well as a documentary section (educative yet entertaining) where I share my own experiences and memorable encounters. I aim for my writing to evoke emotions, tell stories, and always include a fun anecdote to make people laugh.

Blogger since before it was a recognised occupation, I am creative, proactive, professional, curious, and easily adaptive, as well as a digital communication expert. I have mastered Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter, and have an active social media presence. This expertise translates into the content I create.

There are different ways for us to collaborate, as long as your product, service, destination… fits Papilles et Pupilles’ editorial line and ethics.

Do not hesitate to contact me at anne@papillesetpupilles.fr. On demand, I can provide you with a media kit.

Papilles et Pupilles in figures (social networks):

By clicking here, you can access my press review.

See you soon!

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